
Issue 1042: 26th April 2024


Advance Notice - Change to Lunch Times

In order to assist the smooth running of the external examinations we will be changing the order in which pupils have lunch from Tuesday 7th May. For the remainder of this academic year, the pattern will run as follows:

Lunch 1 12.30 pm – 1.00 pm Years 10 and 11
Lunch 2 1.00 pm – 1.30 pm Year 7 as normal
Lunch 3 1.30 pm – 2.00 pm Years 8 and 9

This will mean that Year 11 pupils can have their lunch in plenty of time to be ready to start afternoon examinations at 1.15pm.

This earlier start will also mean that in the vast majority of cases pupils will be able to take their usual form of transport home.

Pupils will be made aware of these changes over the course of next week via assemblies and tutor times.

London Marathon Success

Congratulations to Miss Smollett who completed the London Marathon on Sunday, raising an amazing £1,200 towards the school’s Duke of Edinburgh scheme.

On the Saturday before, Jake B (Year 7) ran the “Mini Marathon” with his younger brother, raising funds for a local primary school. Jake finished with a time of 10 mins 31 seconds, coming 6th in his wave of over 500 children! Congratulations to Miss Smollett and to Jake, what a fantastic achievement for both of them.


If you haven’t done so already, please do pop over to have a look at our new Facebook page “”.

We know that our pupils and students have a wide variety of interests outside of school and are always very keen to celebrate their successes.

Please do encourage them to send us any photographs, together with a very short line of text if they are happy for us to share their achievements with the wider school community.

Many thanks to those parents who have already made a contribution to our page.

Speak Out Challenge 2024, Miss Macgregor reporting…….

“It was an absolute pleasure to attend the regional final of the Speak Out challenge on Thursday to support our representative Elliott H as he performed his speech entitled: ‘Tuning Your Passion’. The evening was full of seventeen excellent young speakers delivering their unique speeches about a range of topics including: fast fashion, mental health awareness and invisible disabilities.

Elliott, despite currently being on work experience, delivered his speech with passion and precision on how music has changed his life. The judges were also impressed by Elliott’s performance and awarded him third place overall in the competition! Congratulations to Elliott whose achievement was well deserved!”

And Finally….

Have a nice weekend.

Concord Rangers Girls football team win Essex boys’ league

Concord Rangers Girls U14 have achieved scorelines such as 13-0 while playing in only their second ever season against the boys in the Southend Junior League.

The Canvey Island team have won division D in the under-13s league – playing boys’ teams a year younger.

A 1-0 win over FC Redwing on Sunday means they end the season unbeaten.

Her mum Nikki said: “They used to play girls and then they moved over to a boys’ league and they’ve played boys their own age and boys a year younger.

“It is good to see the determination in the girls altogether; I think that is the big thing – they have developed more as a team together being in a boys’ league.

“There weren’t that many girls’ teams, when we were in the girls’ league, that were competitive…. so the manager decided, to develop them and to make sure everything was a bit more competitive, we would switch to the boys’ [league].”

She said Concord Rangers Girls had been invited to the Aces Nationals tournament in Nottingham in June, where they would spend two days competing against teams from across the country.

What do you do when you're not in school?

We would love to hear about your hobbies, interests and achievements...

If you have any stories and/or photos that you would like to share, please contact us at pupilservices@sweynepark.com

Rankins Cricket Club, Rochford

This Sunday Rankins Cricket Club are holding an open day. Both children and adults are welcome to try cricket.

Contact details and personal preferences:

As you are aware we keep confidential records on our systems with parents/carers contact details, ie. addresses, phone numbers, emergency contacts and email addresses. If you have recently made any changes could you contact Pupil Services on: pupilservices@sweynepark.com so we can update our systems please.
We also hold information re your preference for use of pupils’ biometric data and school photos both inside and outside of school. If your preferences have changed, could you make us aware of the change by also emailing Pupil Services.
Thank you in advance.

Next week, the Caterlink menu will be ‘Lunch Week 1’.

Click here to see the menu.