
Issue 1043: 3rd May 2024


Make Your Mark

Make Your Mark is an opportunity for 11-18 year olds across the UK to have a voice and vote on issues they want to change.Ìý This year, 10 issues were presented to young people across the UK and they voted in schools, colleges and youth groups at the beginning of the year.

The results from the ballot will influence how Members of the UK Youth Parliament will campaign and research with the aim of influencing the UK Parliament and local representatives.Ìý This is important to ensure that the views of young people are listened to by decision makers.

I am delighted to report that 501 of our pupils and students voted this year, with Health and Wellbeing being their top issue, which is in line with the results for the whole of the county.

Please click here to access a copy of the report. Health and Wellbeing is, of course, something upon which we place great value at Sweyne Park.


Whilst it certainly hasn’t felt at all like summer since returning from the Easter break, there are a number of pupils who are choosing to wear summer uniform.

Please can I ask you to remind your children that the summer uniform policy does not come into force until after the May half-term break.Ìý Until then, we expect them to wear their school jumpers at all times in corridors, during assemblies and when entering and leaving classrooms.

Should they wish to remove their jumper during lessons, they must ask permission from the class teacher.Ìý Furthermore, pupils must always wear their tie, earrings must be stud earrings and rings and knee length socks of any colour are not permitted.

Over the coming weeks, we will be starting to tackle the length of school skirts which are often worn unacceptably and in breach of our Uniform Policy.Ìý Pupils will be informed of the expectations and consequences of non-compliance during assemblies and further details will be shared with parents

Essex Respect Project

Six of our Year 9 pupils, Imogen M, Grace A, Nathan M, Eva-Lyn C, Amy R and Bella N, have, over the last few months, been taking part in the Rochford Respect Project organised by the Essex Boys and Girls Club and funded by the Jack Petchey foundation.Ìý

These pupils have shown a high degree of resilience, leadership and communication skills. They began the process by attending an Activities Day back in January.Ìý Ms Garvey, Head of Year 9, accompanied them and reports that it poured with rain and the pupils had to participate in a number of team building exercises outside in very muddy terrain.

Ms Garvey was very proud of the enthusiasm they showed and how, despite the terrible weather, how engaged they were with all the activities.

The pupils then had to attend weekly Life Skills lessons at the Deanes School every Monday for 2.5 hours andÌý finally, they enjoyed a week-long trip to the Lake District.

I understand it was very cold and very wet, but nonetheless the pupils all participated fully and gave 100% to everything they did. Ìý

And Finally….

Well done to Year 10 for successfully completing their Work Experience placements and we are looking forward to welcoming them back to school after the long weekend.

Glebe Primary School & Nursery

What do you do when you're not in school?

We would love to hear about your hobbies, interests and achievements...

If you have any stories and/or photos that you would like to share, please contact us at pupilservices@sweynepark.com

Contact details and personal preferences:

As you are aware we keep confidential records on our systems with parents/carers contact details, ie. addresses, phone numbers, emergency contacts and email addresses. If you have recently made any changes could you contact Pupil Services on: pupilservices@sweynepark.com so we can update our systems please.
We also hold information re your preference for use of pupils’ biometric data and school photos both inside and outside of school. If your preferences have changed, could you make us aware of the change by also emailing Pupil Services.
Thank you in advance.


Next week, the Caterlink menu will be ‘Lunch Week 2’.

Click here to see the menu.
